Life Care Plans, also referred to as Future Care Cost Analysis are dynamic documents that quantify medical damages from injuries or illnesses.
Life Care Planners work within a multi-disciplinary setting to project the necessary costs over a person’s estimated lifespan including treatment, medical testing, equipment, medications, home care and transportation. Every case is different, and as such DeeGee specializes in analyzing specific costs for each individual.
We have been involved in hundreds of cases throughout North America covering a wide range of injuries including:
Acquired brain
Spinal cord
Orthopedic and soft
tissue injuries
and neuropathic illnesses
What makes us different from other consulting practices that provide the same services is our firsthand knowledge of disabilities. Dan’s quadriplegia gives him the advantage of direct experience to know intimately the challenges and services needed for disabled persons. DeeGee’s realistic perspective paves the way for the provision of sensible solutions to what is often an adversarial process among pay providers, insurers, medical providers, lawyers and companies that may be subject to product liability rulings.
Our President & CEO, Dan Thompson, is a Certified Life Care Planner (C.L.C P.), and he graduated from Capitol University’s Law School’s Certification Program in 2008 as a Life Care Planner with Highest Honors.