DeeGee Rehabilitation Technologies was formed soon after Dan’s accident and has been the vehicle for his on-going advocacy work and expertise.
It has been both challenging and fulfilling to see his business develop into the presence that it is today. As Dan’s practice has grown, he has gathered a team of Research Assistants and Rehabilitation Experts who assist him on specific cases and projects. DeeGee is a credentialed and accredited business that uses holistic forensic analyses of information regarding people with disabilities. Its services provide expert opinion to insurance companies, lawyers and medical professionals by assessing the needs and vocational capabilities for people with acquired and congenital frailties.
Our investigations are thorough, impartial and offer unbiased expert testimony so that the injured person can best attempt to maintain their pre-accident quality of life.
~ Dan Thompson
IN-DEPTH Investigation
Our firm offers intelligent, effective advice during the litigation process that:
has looked in detail
at each individual case;
has studied both
the immediate and peripheral circumstances of the injured individual;
Our work involves individuals who have sustained burns, amputations, brain injuries, orthopedic injuries, spinal cord injuries and congenital disabilities.
Reasonable Recommendations
Our recommendations are supported by extensive examination of the available data that is pertinent to the accuracy of each case. Our resultant recommendations are both reasonable and supportive so that, as much as possible, they will enable the injured individual(s) to live a vital and contributing existence.
The impartial testimony we give makes sense for all parties concerned within the litigation process.
Skilled Team
As part of the Damages Assessment Process, DeeGee and its team of Research Assistants provide Life Care Plans, Vocational Reports and Rehabilitation Services throughout North America.
Through our leading-edge technological capabilities, DeeGee stays connected with clients. We are equipped to immediately collaborate with them and have the expertise to ensure instant access to data anywhere in the world.
Committed To Integrity
We hold ourselves and all parties involved in any litigation to the highest standards of accountability and we are dedicated to doing the deep work that is required to arrive at the truth of each case we investigate.